EI Towers

Rosita Francesca Natta

Rosita Francesca Natta was born in Milan on 14 June 1972; she graduated in economics at Luigi Bocconi University, Milan.

She is accountant, statutory auditor and Partner at Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati firm, where she mainly deals with tax, organization and contractual consultancy and assistence and M&A activities for medium-large companies, mainly operating in the industrial sector as well as carrying out control activities on the same. She is responsible for the Energy Industry – Tax sector.

She works as a consultant for listed companies, both on Italian and foreign market, as well as she holds positions as independent director or member of supervisory bodies of primary Italian and foreign group companies.

She is a member of the Corporate Law Commission of ”Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti di Milano”.

She has been a regular statutory auditor for EI Towers S.p.A. since 2024.